• 555/222 ถนนอ่อนนุช

  • แขวงประเวศ เขตประเวศ กรุงเทพฯ 10250


PMC-53A Intelligent Multifunction Meter is CET’s latest offer for the low-cost digital power/energy metering market. Housed in a standard DIN form factor measuring 96x96x88mm, it is perfectly suited for industrial, commercial and utility applications. The PMC-53A features quality construction, multifunction measurements and a large, backlit, Dot-Matrix LCD that is easy to navigate and user friendly. Compliance with the IEC62053-22 Class 0.5S, ANSI C12.20 Class 0.2 and EN50470-1/3 Class C Standards, it is a cost-effective replacement for analog instrumentation and is capable of displaying 4 measurements at once. It optionally provides I4 input for Neutral Current measurement, a second RS-485 port, up to six Digital Inputs for status monitoring, four Relay Outputs for control and alarm applications as well as other I/O options for different applications. 

- Low-Cost Three-Phase Multifunction Meter
- IEC 62053-22 Class 0.5S
- DIN96 (92x92mm Cutout)
- Backlit Dot-Matrix LCD Display
- Harmonics, Demands & TOU, Energy Log, Max/Min Log and Event Log
- Waveform Capture on Screen
- Modbus RTU, BACnet MSTP, Metasys N2 or DNP
- 1xRS-485 + 2nd RS-485 (Optional)
- Optional 4xDI, 2xRO/DO, Optional I4, RTD


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